David Etukudo

Ductile Metals

Ductile metals are metals that can undergo significant plastic deformation under tensile stress before failure. Ductility is an important consideration in engineering and manufacturing, as it describes a material’s suitability…

Tipping Angle

The tipping angle of a load is an important consideration when dealing with the rotational equilibrium of machines or structures. In this article, we will learn more about the applicability…

Flexible Metals

Generally, the term ‘flexible’ is not technically accurate for describing the characteristics of metals. Rather, a flexible metal is one that combines two key metallic attributes, which are malleability and…

Selector Switch Diagram

A selector switch is a mechanical control device that enables switching between a minimum of two electrical circuits. It is common in applications where there is more than one control…

C900 Pipe

C900 is an American Water Works Association (AWWA) standard PVC pressure pipe, for water transmission and distribution applications. It is equivalent to cast iron pipe for the same applications in…

Three Phase Voltage

Three-phase voltage refers to power supply using three separate conductors carrying the same voltage, but in different phases. Moreover, any equipment that is connected to all three phases would experience…

Corner Grounded Delta

A corner grounded delta system is a three-phase delta service with one phase having the ground connection. This configuration goes by several names including grounded leg/phase service, end-grounded delta system,…

Surface Finish Symbols

Surface finish symbols characterize the overall texture of a surface. Often, this characterization is in terms of only the surface roughness. But an in-depth description covers other parameters such as…

Minor Losses in Pipes

Minor losses in pipes stem from a divergence in flow direction, diameter change, and the presence of disturbances. They do not include frictional (major) losses, which are the result of…

Battery Room

A battery room provides a suitable storage location for keeping batteries protected and isolated. These batteries may serve as a backup energy source or part of an uninterrupted power system….