David Etukudo

410 vs 316 Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a popular material because it produces sturdy and long-lasting products. However, not all stainless steel is the same with different grades made from a variety of processes…

Pipe Thread Size Chart

A pipe thread size chart allows engineers and other technical professionals to quickly determine mating suitability in a male-female connection. Moreover, these charts are according to industry standards and various…

Fender Washer vs Flat Washer

Fender washers and flat washers are both common types of plain washers. As a result, engineers often need to select which of them is the best fit on an application-by-application…

Retaining Wall Footing

A retaining wall footing is an underground concrete structure that provides support to the wall and the soil behind it. In addition, it ensures proper distribution of the weight of…

Three Phase Wire Color Code

Electrical wire color code for three-phase applications provides a standard means of identifying individual wires. Three-phase supply uses either four or five wires. The configuration uses three live lines, a…